Tuesday, March 15, 2011

AZU - YOU & I feat. LOVE LOVE LOVE, Released: January 27, 2010

AZU渾身の2010年第一弾ニューシングル!! 誰からも愛される名曲、1995年発売DREAMS COME TRUEの「LOVE LOVE LOVE」のリフを大胆にサンプリング、大好きな人への想いをリリックにのせ、神的な仕上がりに!! 初回限定盤は、前作シングル「I WILL」のPV(石黒英雄出演)&ケータイ音楽ドラマ「DOR@MO」の結末の違う4つのストーリーの中から1つのストーリーを収録したDVD 付き。

03. WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト
04. YOU & I feat.LOVE LOVE LOVE 〔Instrumental〕
05. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER 〔Instrumental〕
06. WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト 〔Instrumental〕

ZU - Two of Us, Released: March 17, 2010

R&B singer AZU's second album Two of Us is packed with her hit songs from the past year. The 14-track selection includes You & I feat.Love Love Love, I Will, Ima Suguni, and her most recent single For You, the ending theme for Naruto Shippuden. There are also collaboration tracks with Spontania and of course SEAMO.

01 Intro from Radio 13
02 Hot Like Fire
04 いますぐに・・・
05 あなたに愛たくて feat. Spontania
06 For You
08 Oh Baby feat. 草川瞬
11 love groovin’ feat. KURO (from HOME MADE 家族)
12 おねがい!AZU子先生 feat. SEAMOくん
13 What Girls Want
14 letter・・・~大切なひとへ~ 

AZU - Tashika na Koto, Released: July 21, 2010

AZUの超強力盤シングル発売!! なんと表題曲には小田和正さんのあの名曲「たしかなこと」をカバー!! 5年前の夏、名古屋でインディーズ活動中、もう音楽を辞めようか悩み迷っていた時、車の中で小田和正さんの「たしかなこと」を初めて聴いたAZUは思わず号泣。「なんて素敵な曲なんだろう。私もこんな曲を歌いたい。」AZUにとって音楽への夢を続ける勇気をもらった大切な楽曲となった。大ファンの小田和正さんの楽曲の中でも一番好きなこの楽曲を、いつかカバーしたいと思っていた所、今回、念願の夢が実現。トラックは四つ打ちのエレクトロで原曲とはかなりイメージは違い、斬新なアレンジになっている。歌唱に関しては、小田和正さんへのリスペクトの気持ちも込めて、原曲をなるべく忠実に再現。

01. たしかなこと
02. We LOVE
03. Angel
04. Strawberry Pie
05. たしかなこと (Instrumental)
06. We LOVE (Instrumental)
07. Angel (Instrumental)
08. Strawberry Pie (Instrumental)

AZU - Ima Suguni..., Released: January 28, 2009

AZUの2009年第1弾シングル! 「時間よ止まれ feat. SEAMO」を継承する切ない歌詞が共感を呼ぶ楽曲。カップリングは、小林明子「恋に落ちて -Fall in Love-」のカバーを収録。ライムライトのKOJIによるアレンジとトラックメイクによるラバーズ風アレンジ。

01. いますぐに…
02. 恋におちて -Fall in love-
03. いますぐに… (Instrumental)
04. 恋におちて -Fall in love- (Instrumental) 

AZU - I Will, Released: July 1, 2009

2009年セツナ系バラードの最高傑作が誕生!! 今最も注目されている女性シンガー、AZUのニューシングル! SEAMOとのコラボシングル「時間よ止まれfeat. SEAMO」が35万ダウンロード、続く2009年1月発売の「いますぐに・・・」は60万以上のダウンロードと「着うた」が大ヒットとなったAZU。今作は、失恋をテーマに、悩める女の子の切ない想いを歌い上げた楽曲。作詞はAZU、作曲/編曲にはEXILE「ただ逢いたくて・・・」や青山テルマなどを手がける春川仁志。 5月度レコチョクイメージCM挿入歌 (【期間】2009年5月26日(火)~6月30日(火))、TBS「ランク王国」オープニングテーマ決定。

01. I WILL
03. I WILL (Instrumental)
04. CLOSE TO YOU (Instrumental) 

AZU - For You, Released: March 3, 2010

Single release from AZU featuring outro theme to anime series "Naruto Shippuden." Also features piano version of "Ima Suguni. . ." as B-side.

3月発売予定の2nd Album前の先行シングルはAZUの新たな一面が垣間見える応援ソング! 人気テレビアニメテレビ東京系アニメーション『NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝』エンディングテーマ、レコチョク TV-CMに決定!! カップリングにはAZUの代表曲「いますぐに・・・」のアコースティック・ヴァージョンを収録。

01. For You
02. いますぐに・・・ (Acoustic version)
03. For You -Instrumental-
04. いますぐに・・・ (Acoustic version) -Instrumental-

Ayane - Gravity Error, Released: April 22, 2009

Single release from Ayane featuring theme to PS2 game "TRIGGERHEART EXELICA -ENHANCED-" and PSP game "Memories Off 5." Also features theme to PSP game "Memories Off 5 Togireta Film."

PS2ソフト『トリガーハート エグゼリカエンハンスド』主題歌と、PSPゲーム『メモリーズオフ5』主題歌の話題のタイアップ曲を収録した彩音のニューシングル! リリース毎にチャートを賑わすアーティストへと着実に成長し続ける彩音が主題歌を担当。作詞・作曲は志倉千代丸。カップリングは好評発売中のPSPソフト『Memories Off5 とぎれたフィルム』主題歌を収録。作詞は彩音が担! 描き下ろしジャケット仕様。

02. あの空の果てまで
03. GRAVITY ERROR (off vocal)
04. あの空の果てまで (off vocal) 

Ayane - Endless Tears..., Released: April 1, 2009

New single release from Ayane featuring theme song to hit game series "11eyes ~Tsumi to Batsu no Aganai no Shojo~".

前作「Lunatic Tears・・・」より更にパアーアップ!! 「彩音×Tatsh」のコラボレート!! 大ヒットPCゲーム『11eyes -罪と罰の贖いの少女-』が"Xbox360"で発売、そのテーマ曲を今回も彩音が歌う!! サイキックラバー「イマジョー氏」が最高にして最速のギターで楽曲に参加。ファン必聴盤!!

1. Endless Tears…
2. 静かなる瞬間の中で
3. Endless Tears… (Off Vocal)
4. 静かなる瞬間の中で (Off Vocal) 

Ayane - Arrival of Tears, Released: October 21, 2009

New single release from Ayane featuring intro theme to anime series "11eyes."

TVアニメ「11eyes」オープニング楽曲! ミュージッククリップを収録したDVD付。

01. Arrival of Tears
02. 真実への鎮魂歌
03. Arrival of Tears (Off Vocal)
04. 真実への鎮魂歌 (Off Vocal)

ayaka – Clap & Love/ Why, Released: September 5, 2007

J-pop siren ayaka has so far pleased music lovers with such hits as Jewelry DayI believe, and melody, and she is standing in the limelight once more with her sixth single. It comes as a double A-sided work featuring the theme song Clap & Love from the TBS drama Jigoku No Sata Mo Yome Shidai. The other A-side track is Why, the theme song for the PSP extravaganza CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII-. Last but not least fans can also look forward to the live version ofPeace loving people, which stresses the theme that people should love one another.
Credits to YesAsia~

01 Clap & Love
02 Why
03 Peace Loving People (Live Ver.)
04 Clap & Love (Instrumental)
05 Why (Instrumental)

ayaka x Kobukuro - Anata To, Released: September 24, 2008

ayaka and Kobukuro team up again. Japanese pop princess collaborated with the folk duo for the tender passion-filled ballad Anatato at a live event in Osaka last summer. Penned, composed, and arranged by the threesome, the song has also been picked as a new CM song for Nissan's "Cube" series.

01. あなたと
02. あなたと (Instrumental) 

ayaka - Yume wo Mikata ni / Koi Kogarete Mita Yume, Released: April 22, 2009

Singer-songwriter ayaka presents her latest double A-sided single. Yume wo Mikata ni is her new CM song for publishing company Benesse Corporation, while Koikogarete mita Yume is the end title theme of the manga-inspired TV Tokyo anime series Cross Game. Also features the live version of Kimi ga Iru kara recorded on February 13, 2009 at Shibuya-AX.

01. 夢を味方に
02. 恋焦がれて見た夢
03. 君がいるか (2009/2/13 SHIBUYA-AX LIVE ver.)
04. 夢を味方 (Instrumental)
05. 恋焦がれて見た (Instrumental)

ayaka - Te wo Tsunago / Ai wo Utaou, Released: March 5, 2008

J-pop singer ayaka worked steadily on the music scene in 2007, and now she's ready to launch her first release in 2008. This double A-sided single features Ai wo Utaou (Track 2), her latest CM song contribution for the beauty brand KOSE. Te wo Tsunago (Track 1) is the theme song for the latest Doraemon movie DORAEMON THE FUTURE 2008, opening nationwide in Japan in March 2008. Also included on this release is ayaka's live version of Mikazugi (Track 3) recorded during her performance at the Budokan in December 2007.

01. 手をつなごう (映画『ドラえもん のび太と緑の巨人伝』主題歌)
03. 三日月 <2007/12/20 日本武道館 LIVE ver.>
04. 手をつなごう (Instrumental ver.)
05. 愛を歌おう (Instrumental ver.)

ayaka - Sing to the Sky, Released: June 25, 2008

Singer-songwriter Ayaka returns with the follow-up to her debut album First Message, which shot to the top of the Oricon charts in November 2006. Sing to the Sky features fifteen tracks including the hits Claps&Love and Why that were earlier released as double A-sided singles. Also included on Ayaka's second album are Te wo Tsunago (Track 10), her theme song for the anime movie Doraemon The Future 2008, and the CM song Ai wo Utaou (Track 2). Ayaka's Oricon no. 2 single Jewelry day and her most recent single Okaeri (Track 14), featured on the latest season of the Fuji TV drama Absolute Boyfriend, are also featured on her new album.

02. 愛を歌おう
03. SKY
04. Jewelry day
05. グンナイベイビー
06. For today
07. Why
08. ゴールドスター
09. 魔法使いのしわざ
10. 手をつなごう
11. 愛も嘘も真実
13. 君がいるから
14. おかえり
15. 今夜も星に抱かれて
16. WINDING ROAD (絢香×コブクロ) (bonus track)
17. I Believe (English ver.) (bonus track)

ayaka - Okaeri, Released: May 14, 2008

After securing a No. 7 position on the Oricon charts earlier in the year with her double A-sided Te wo Tsunago/Ai wo Utaou, ayaka presents her latest single Okaeri. The singer-songwriter's eighth single Okaeri is the theme song for the Fuji TV drama Absolute Boyfriend starring Aibu Saki and Hayami Mokomichi. Meiro and the live version of Te wo tsunago recorded in December 2007 at the Budokan are also included on this release.

01. おかえり
02. 迷 路
03. 手をつなごう (2007/12/20 日本武道館 LIVE ver.)
04. おかえり (Instrumental)
05. 迷 路 (Instrumental) 

ayaka - Minna Sora no sh*ta, Released: July 8, 2009

Shortly after Yume wo Mikata ni/Koi Kogarete Mita Yume, Ayaka is back with her new single Minna Sora no sh*ta. Her new CM song for Asience, Minna Sora no sh*ta is a song about life that is full of vitality and tenderness. Minna Sora no sh*ta is complemented with Arigatou and the live version of Koi Kogarete Mita Yume, recorded at the Budokan on April 22, 2009.

01. みんな空の下
02. ありがとう。
03. 恋焦がれて見た夢 <2009/4/22 日本武道館 Live ver.>
04. みんな空の下<Instrumental>
05. ありがとう。<Instrumental> 

ayaka - First Message, Released: Nov 1, 2006

Singer Name(s) : Ayaka
Album: First Message
Release Date : Nov 1, 2006
Language : Japanese
Release Date: Nov 1, 2006

List :
Ayaka - 01 Start To 0 (love)
Ayaka - 02 Real Voice
Ayaka - 03 Sha la la
Ayaka - 04 Blue Days
Ayaka - 05 I Believe
Ayaka - 06 Stay with me
Ayaka - 07 Melody
Ayaka - 08 Kimi no Power to Otona no Furi
Ayaka - 09 Eien no Monogatari
Ayaka - 10 Toki wo Modosh*te
Ayaka - 11
Ayaka - 12 Story
Ayaka - 13 Rairarai
Ayaka - 14 Mikazuki
Ayaka - 15 Message

ayaka - Ayaka's History 2006-2009, Released: September 23, 2009

Debuting when she was only 17 years old, ayaka has since become a fixture on the Oricon charts. Ayaka's History 2006-2009 offers a retrospective of her greatest hits. Starting from I believe and Mikazuki to the Kobukuro collaboration song Anatato and her most recent hit Minna Sora no sh*ta, Ayaka's History 2006-2009 presents the song collection fans have been waiting for.

Disc 1
01 I belive (TBS系ドラマ日曜劇場『輪舞曲-ロンド-』主題歌)
02 melody (5万枚限定ミニアルバム表題曲)
03 Real voice (フジテレビ系ドラマ『サプリ』主題歌)
04 三日月 (au"LISMO"CMソング/NHK総合テレビ報道情報番組「つながるテレビ@ヒューマン」テーマソング)
06 Jewelry day (松竹配給映画『ラストラブ』主題歌)
07 CLAP & LOVE (TBS系ドラマ『地獄の沙汰もヨメ次第』主題歌)
08 Why (PSP® (Playstaiotn®Portable)専用ソフト"CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII-"テーマソング)
09 For today (江崎グリコ"ポッキー&メンズポッキー"CMソング)
10 手をつなごう (映画『ドラえもん のび太と緑の巨人伝』主題歌)
12 おかえり (フジテレビ系ドラマ『絶対彼氏』主題歌)
13 あなたと (NISSAN"Cube"CMソング)
14 夢を味方に (ベネッセコーポレーション"進研ゼミ 高校講座"CMソング)
15 恋焦がれて見た夢 (テレビ東京系アニメ『クロスゲーム』エンディングテーマ)
16 みんな空の下 (花王"アジエンス"CMソング)

Disc 2
01 夢のカケラ
02 ブルーデイズ
03 Sky
04 Peace loving people
06 今夜も星に抱かれて・・・
07 グンナイベイビー
08 Start to 0
09 君がいるから
10 ありがとう。
Bonus Track
みんな空の下(Piano ver.)

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - World World World, Released: March 5, 2008

After a quiet 2007, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION brings back the music for their fourth full-length album World World World. This time the popular band takes as inspiration the musing theme of "the world", which is quite appropriate since AKG's pop rock sound is about as universally appealing as J-rock gets. Their new album comes with 13 tracks, kicking off with the title number World World World (Track 1). The band's three singles since the 2006 album Feedbackfile can be found on this release, including the late 2006 single Arumachi no Gunjou (Track 12), last year's Bleach theme and Oricon #6 hit After Dark (Track 2), and, of course, their most recent Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa ga Furu ("Rolling Stone, Morning Falls Upon You" - Track 10), which was released just a month prior to the album.

01. ワールド ワールド ワールド
02. アフターダーク
03. 旅立つ君へ
04. ネオテニー
05. トラベログ
06. No.9
07. ナイトダイビング
08. ライカ
09. 惑星
10. 転がる岩、君に朝が降る
11. ワールド ワールド
12. 或る街の群青
13. 新しい世界 

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Surf Bungaku Kamakura, Released: November 5, 2008

Easily the hardest working band in Japan if their frequency of releases are any indication, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION keeps on rocking with Surf Bungaku Kamakura, their second full-length album of the year. This hearty collection of feel-good surf's-up pop rock includes the band's latest single Fujisawa Loser, plus recent B-sides like Enoshima Esker, Yuigahama Kite, and, of course, Kugenuma Surf off their 2006 single Arumachi no Gunjou.

01. 藤沢ルーザー
02. 鵠沼サーフ
03. 江ノ島エスカー
04. 腰越クライベイビー
05. 七里ヶ浜スカイウォーク
06. 稲村ヶ崎ジェーン
07. 極楽寺ハートブレイク
08. 長谷サンズ
09. 由比ヶ浜カイト
10. 鎌倉グッドバイ 

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Solanin, Released: March 31, 2010

Asian Kung Fu Generation's latest single Solanin is the theme song for the film adaptation of Asano Inio's popular two-volume manga of the same name. With lead singer Goto Masafumi adding music to the lyrics Asano wrote in the manga, fans can finally hear the true sound of Solanin. Also included is the new "mix for Meiko" version of Mustang (originally on the mini-album Imada Minu Asuni), which Miyasaki and co-star Kora Kengo sing in the film.

01. ソラニン
02. ムスタング (mix for 芽衣子) 

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Shinseki no Love Song, Released: December 2, 2009

Asian Kung-Fu Generation took all comers in 2008, landing another Oricon chart topping album as well as two Top 10 singles. The band's latest release, Shinseki no Love Song opens with groovy vocals before coming to an intense, grand finish. Asian Kung-Fu Generation's 13th single, Shinseki no Love Song also features the side track Shiro ni Somero.

01 新世紀のラブソング
02 白に染めろ

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Maigo Inu to Ame no Beat, Released: May 26, 2010

Illustrator Nakamura Yusuke currently does all the artworks on Asian Kung-Fu Generation releases. When Nakamura took on the character design duty for the new anime series The Tatami Galaxy, Ajikan (as the band is called by their fans) returned the favor by lending their latest single Maigo Inu to Ame no Beat to serve as the series' opening theme song. In addition to the song and the B-side track Ameagari no Kibou, the single also features a cover designed by none other than Nakamura.

01 迷子犬と雨のビート
02 雨上がりの希望

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Magic Disk, Released: June 23, 2010

After three single releases, Asian Kung-Fu Generation now rolls out their sixth full-length album Magic Disk. The 13-track album includes all three previously released singles - Shinseiki no Love Song, Solanin (the theme song for the film of the same name), and Maigo Inu to Ame no Beat - as well as 10 other never-released tracks. The songs of Magic Disk feature a wide range of musical instruments, including brass and synthesizer, promising listeners a magical treat for the ears.

01 新世紀のラブソング
02 マジックディスク
03 双子葉
04 さよならロストジェネレイション
05 迷子犬と雨のビート
06 青空と黒い猫
07 架空生物のブルース
08 ラストダンスは悲しみを乗せて
09 マイクロフォン
10 ライジングサン
11 イエス
12 橙
13 ソラニン

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa ga Furu, Released: February 6, 2008

One of the top acts in J-rock, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION had a fairly quiet year in 2007, releasing only one single in November, the Bleach theme and Oricon #6 hit After Dark. The band is starting early in 2008 though with a single in February, and an album to follow in March. Their first release of 2008, Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa ga Furu ("Rolling Stone, Morning Falls Upon You") is a stirring mid-tempo rock number with an easy melody and lyrics that expound on the joys and sorrows of living in today's world. The curiously titled side track Enoshima Escar is a reference to an escalator leading to Enoshima shrine.

01. 転がる岩、君に朝が降る
02. 江ノ島エスカー

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Imada Minu Asuni, Released: June 11, 2008

Four-member Japanese rock group ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION took their last album World World World all the way to the top spot of the Oricon charts. While they were working on World World World, they also simultaneously focused on their latest mini album. Imada Minu Asuni features six progressive retro rock tracks including "Science Fiction" (Track 2), Shinkogyu ("Inhale Deeply" - Track 4), and "Mustang" (Track 3).

01 脈打つ生命
02 サイエンスフィクション
03 ムスタング
04 深呼吸
05 融雪
06 未だ見ぬ明日に

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Fujisawa Loser, Released: October 15, 2008

2008 is turning out to be ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's most productive year yet. After releasing full-length album World World World in March and mini album Imada Minu Asuni in June, the band has another album, Surf Bungaku Kamakura, slated for November release, not to mention two upcoming tours that will carry them into 2009. To hold fans over till the surf hits, AKG is first releasing the new single Fujisawa Loser from their forthcoming album. The band's 2nd single of the year and 12th single overall, Fujisawa Loser continues AKG's winning streak of energetic feel-good rock numbers.

01. 藤沢ルーザー
02. Hello Hello

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Asian Kung-Fu Generation presents Nano-Mugen Compilation 2009, Released: July 1, 2009

The 2009 edition of Asian Kung-Fu Generation's annual rock fest Nano-Mugen Festival takes place on July 19 and 20 at the Yokohama Arena this year. This compilation features songs from the festival participants including a new song by Asian Kung-Fu Generation.

02. ザック・アンド・サラ/ ベン・フォールズ
03. Stereotypes/ ファラー
04. Oats We Sow/ グレゴリー・アンド・ザ・ホーク
05. Suburban Knights/ ハード・ファイ
06. Silver Birch/ the HIATUS
07. Morning Sun/ 清 竜人
08. SURRENDER/ lostage
09. エヴリシング・マスト・ゴー/ マニック・ストリート・プリーチャーズ
10. marm/ mudy on the 昨晩
11. Weightless/ ナダ・サーフ
12. ピンホール/ OGRE YOU $%^&*%
13. ナイトフィッシングイズグッド/ サカナクション
14. 8823/ スピッツ
15. Magic Blue Van/ ストレイテナー
16. Rock Star -Understand-/ THE YOUNG PUNX!
17. HELLO (蘇えるライブバージョン)/ ユニコーン 

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - After Dark, Released: November 7, 2007

1. After Dark (アフターダーク)
2. Yuigahama Kite (由比ヶ浜カイト) 

Arashi / Kenta Yano starring Satoshi Ohno - Believe / Kumori Nochi, Kaisei, Released: March 4, 2009

2008 turned into another year full of Oricon no. 1 singles for Arashi. Now the Johnny's quintet returns with their first double A-sided single surprise in the new year. Believe is their theme song for the anime-inspired live-action movie Yatterman, directed by Miike Takashi starring band member Sakurai Sho. Kumori Nochi, Kaisei on the other hand, is the theme song for the TV Asahi Friday night drama Uta no Onisan starring band leader Ohno Satoshi. 

First Press Limited Edition A
01. Believe/ 嵐
02. 曇りのち、快晴/ 矢野健太 starring Satoshi Ohno

First Press Limited Edition B
01. Believe/ 嵐
02. 曇りのち、快晴/ 矢野健太 starring Satoshi Ohno

Normal Edition
01. Believe/ 嵐
02. 曇りのち、快晴/ 矢野健太 starring Satoshi Ohno
03. トビラ
04. Believe (オリジナル・カラオケ) Believe (Original Karaoke)
05. 曇りのち、快晴/ 矢野健太 starring Satoshi Ohno (オリジナル・カラオケ)
06. トビラ (オリジナル・カラオケ) 

Arashi - truth / Kaze no Muko e, Released: August 20, 2008

Arashi is back with their twenty-third single. Their latest release delivers twice the fun in the form of a double A-sided single. Kaze no Muko e/Truth is the band's first release of this kind in almost four years, when they climbed to the top of the Oricon charts with the songs Hitomi no Naka no Galaxy and Hero.

The melodious summer tune Kaze no Muko e is the theme song for the NTV program series "Beijing" starring Sakurai Sho. The passionate number truth can be heard on the Friday night TBS drama Maou, which features Arashi's Ohno Satoshi and Johnny's Jr.'s Ikuta Toma in the leading roles.

Normal Edition
01. truth
02. 風の向こうへ
03. スマイル
04. truth (オリジナル・カラオケ)
05. 風の向こうへ (オリジナル・カラオケ)
06. スマイル (オリジナル・カラオケ)

Arashi - Troublemaker, Released: March 3, 2010

The first artist to top Oricon's annual single, album, music DVD, and overall sales charts in the same year, Arashi was without a doubt the biggest act in J-pop in 2009. The group is coming out equally strong in 2010 with the new eighties-style power pop single Troublemaker, the theme song of Sakurai Sho's TV drama Tokujo Kabachi!!. Side track Yurase, Ima wo is NTV's theme song for their 2010 Winter Olympics broadcast.

01. Troublemaker             
02. 揺らせ、今を
03. もう一歩
04. Troublemaker (オリジナル・カラオケ) 
05. 揺らせ、今を (オリジナル・カラオケ)             
06. もう一歩 (オリジナル・カラオケ) 

Arashi - To be free, Released: July 7, 2010

After their two 2010 singles managed to score sales of more than 500,000 copies in their respective debut week, Johnny's pop group Arashi attempts for three for three with their 31st single To Be Free. The theme song for the latest Mitsuya Cider commercial starring member Sakurai Sho, To Be Free is an up-tempo rock song that recalls the images of running free in the wild. The single also includes the instrumental version of the song. 

01 To be free
02 To be free (オリジナル・カラオケ)

Arashi - Time, Released: July 11, 2007

Arashi returns in the heat of the summer.

It's been around a year since the 5-member Johnny's group let their fans enjoy their previous major album, and now the boys are finally back to quench their followers thirst for more Arashi sounds. By the way, the entire group is due to star in the new silver screen treat Kiroi Namida ("Yellow Tears") and Ninomiya Kazunari and Sakurai Sho will appear in the Friday TBS drama series Yamada Taro Story.

As for their new release, Time, featurs 15 songs including the theme songs "Love So Sweet" and "We Can Make It" from the TBS drama Hana Yori Dango 2 and the NTV drama Bambino, respectively. The album also includes the CF song "Oh Yeah!" for C1000 Lemon Water. Fans can find Arashi's latest musical gifts assembled in Time.
Credits to YesAsia!

Disc 1
01 Oh Yeah!
02 Love So Sweet
04 We Can Make It!
05 Firefly
06 太陽の世界
07 Carry On
09 Cry For You
10 Love Situation
11 風
12 Be With You
14 アオゾラペダル
15 Everybody前進 (Bonus Track)

Disc 2
01.Song for me  (Vocal:大野 智)
02.Friendship  (Vocal:相葉雅紀)
03.虹 (Vocal:二宮和也)
04.Can’t Let You Go  (Vocal:櫻井 翔)
05.Yabai-Yabai-Yabai  (Vocal:松本 潤) 

Arashi - Step and Go, Released: February 20, 2008

"Step and Go" is ARASHI's 21st single. "Fuyu wo Dakishimete" was used as for "C1000 Lemon Water CM" song.

Genre : Pop
Encoded : 320kbps

Tracklist :
01. Step and Go
02. Fuyu wo Dakishimete (冬を抱きしめて)
03. Step and Go (Original Karaoke)
04. Fuyu wo Dakishimete (Original Karaoke) (冬を抱きしめて)

Arashi - One Love, Released: June 25, 2008

Arashi has been scoring a consecutive Oricon No. 1 streak since 2004's Pika**nchi Double all the way to their February smash Step and Go. Now the Johnny's quintet sings their way into the hearts of fans again with the promising new single One Love, a sing-along number with Arashi's trademark sound. The song is the theme to the new Toho/TBS big-screen co-production Hana Yori Dango Final starring Inoue Mao, Arashi's Matsumoto Jun & Oguri Shun.

Limited Edition
01. One Love
02. FINAL Remix feat.WISH, Love so sweet & One Love (Bonus Track)

Regular Edition
01. One Love
02. How to fly
03. One Love (オリジナル・カラオケ)
04. How to fly (オリジナル・カラオケ)

Arashi - One, Released: August 3, 2005

Arashi's No. One!

The handsome 5-member J-pop group is back with their 5th major LP that's packed with overall 13 top tracks. Music lovers can look forward to the group's smash hit "Sakura Sake" ("Blooming Cherry Blossom"), a bonus DVD that features specials like Making of One complete with comments by the band's members. Arashi fans this One has all you're looking for and more!

08.Rain (Vo.大野 智)
09.いつかのSummer (Vo.相葉雅紀)
10.W/ME (Vo.松本 潤)
11.秘密 (Vo.二宮和也)
12.夢でいいから (Vo.櫻井 翔)  
14.風見鶏Special Summer Track 

Arashi - My Girl, Released: November 11, 2009

Reigning over 2009 with the best-selling single, album, and music DVD of the year thus far, Arashi continues their J-pop conquest with their latest single My Girl. The group's fourth single of the year, My Girl is the theme song of the new same-titled TV Asahi drama starring Aiba Masaki. Taking his first leading role in a mini-series, Aiba plays a young man who suddenly finds out he has a daughter. Side track Tokei Jikake no Umbrella is the theme song of the Fuji TV Johnny's mini-drama series 0 Gosh*tsu no Kyaku whose cast includes Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.

01. マイガール
02. 時計じかけのアンブレラ
03. スーパーフレッシュ
04. マイガール (オリジナル・カラオケ)
05. 時計じかけのアンブレラ (オリジナル・カラオケ)
06. スーパーフレッシュ (オリジナル・カラオケ)

Arashi - Monster, Released: May 19, 2010

Arashi's last single Troublemaker sold over half a million in its first week to become the highest-selling single of 2010 thus far. The unstoppable group continues their phenomenal streak with their second single of the year. Monster is the theme song for leader Ohno Satoshi's new drama Kaibutsu-kun about a prince from the land of monsters who ventures into the human world. The single includes another new dance song as the side track.

01 Monster
02 スパイラル 

Arashi - Love So Sweet, Released: February 21, 2007

Love so sweet is Arashi's 18th single. It was used as the theme song for the dorama Hana Yori Dango 2, starring Matsumoto Jun.

01. Love so sweet
02. いつまでも
03. Fight Song
03. Love so sweet (Original Karaoke)
04. いつまでも (Original Karaoke) 

Arashi - Love Rainbow, Released: September 8, 2010


01.Løve Rainbow             
03.Løve Rainbow (オリジナル・カラオケ) 

Arashi - Lotus, Released: February 23, 2011

1. Lotus
2. ever
3. Boom Boom
4. Lotus (Original Karaoke) (Lotus(オリジナル・カラオケ))
5. ever (Original Karaoke) (ever(オリジナル・カラオケ))
6. Boom Boom (Original Karaoke) (Boom Boom(オリジナル・カラオケ))

Arashi - Iza, Now, Released: July 21, 2004

Arashi's '04 surprise!

Iza, Now , their fourth album full of melodious hits promises to take you on another music pleasure trip. Arashi's new treat supplies you with no less than 15 catchy tunes like Eyes with Delight , Rainbow and Jam among other pleasing material. Buckle-up for all of Arashi's explosive treats.

1. 言葉より大切なもの
2. JAM
3. The Bubble
4. Thank you for my days
6. keep a peaK
10. ハダシの未来
11. 優しくって少しバカ
12.Dear My Friend
13. 君だけを想ってる
14. チェックのマフラー
15. 途中下車

Arashi - HOW'S IT GOING?, Released: July 9, 2003

The sensational 5-member boy formation Arashi offers you its brilliant third album with lots of musical goodies fans all over the globe simply cannot get enough of!

Listeners can look forward to such excellent pieces as "Tomadoinagara", "15th Moon", "Dekirudake" and the captivating theme song of the film "PIKANCHI Life Is Hard Dakedo Happy"!

01. とまどいながら(album version)
02. Crazy groundの王様
03. Lucky Man
04. 身長差のない恋人
06. 嵐のまえの静けさ
07. Blue
08. Walking in the rain
09. パレット
10. できるだけ
11. テ・アゲロ
12. 15th Moon
13. どんな言葉で
14. PIKA☆NCHI(album version)

Arashi - HERE WE GO!, Released: July 17, 2002

Arashi is back with their second album "HERE WE GO"! It is already climbing the J-POP album charts! Since their last album released a year and a half ago, Arashi have matured in their performance in various hit singles such as "a Day in Our Life," and "Nice na Kokoroiki." So they has proven to be one of Japan's leading groups in the J-POP scene! Be sure to pick up this hot seller at YesAsia.com!

3. Kimi wo sukoshi mo warukunai
7. Nemuranai karada
8. Kimi wa inaikara
9. Iro asenaide
10. Ai sh*teru to ienai
11. Hoshi no Free Way
12. Ima ai wo katarou
13. WOW!!
14. Nice na kokoroiki

Arashi - Hatenai Sora, Released: November 10, 2010


1. Hatenai Sora (果てない空)
3. maboroshi
4. Ano Hi no Merry Christmas (あの日のメリークリスマス)
5. Hatenai Sora (Original Karaoke)
6. STORY (Original Karaoke)
7. maboroshi (Original Karaoke)
8. Ano Hi no Merry Christmas(Original Karaoke)