Tuesday, March 15, 2011

AKB48 - Chance no Junban, Released: December 8, 2010

[Left to right: Chance no Junban, Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas, Kurumi to Dialogue, ALIVE, Love Jump)

Info credit to yesasia

Tracklist Type A:
1. Chance no Junban (チャンスの順番)
2. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (予約したクリスマス)
3. Kurumi to Dialogue (胡桃とダイアローグ ) (Entire Team A)
4. Chance no Junban (off vocal)
5. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (off vocal)
6. Kurumi to Dialogue (off vocal)

Tracklist Type K:
1. Chance no Junban (チャンスの順番)
2. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (予約したクリスマス)
3. ALIVE (Entire Team K)
4. Chance no Junban (off vocal)
5. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (off vocal)
6. ALIVE (off vocal)

Tracklist Type B:
1. Chance no Junban (チャンスの順番)
2. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (予約したクリスマス)
3. Love Jump (ラブ・ジャンプ) (Entire Team B)
4. Chance no Junban (off vocal)
5. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (off vocal)
6. Love Jump (off vocal)

Tracklist Theater version:
1. Chance no Junban (チャンスの順番)
2. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (予約したクリスマス)
3. Fruit Snow (フルーツ・スノウ) (Team Kenkyuusei)
4. Chance no Junban (off vocal ver.)
5. Yoyaku sh*ta Christmas (off vocal ver.)
6. Fruit Snow (off vocal ver.) 

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